Saturday, July 16, 2011

DIY Wedding Cakes

DIY Wedding Cakes

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Do it Yourself Wedding Cakes
By Katie Rosehill, eHow Contributor

Brides dream of multi-tiered wedding cakes festooned with flowers, frosting flourishes and frills of icing. Reality and sticker shock set in at the same time when they realize wedding cakes cost up to $15 per guest as of 2011. That means a cake to serve 200 people runs a hefty bill of $3,000. Save money with a do-it-yourself wedding cake and cupcakes. If you're an accomplished baker, make the cake yourself. If you're not, don't worry.


Things You'll Need

Full sheet cake 18 by 24 inches serves 80
Half sheet cake 11 by 14 inches serves 40
Fiber board
Paper lace doilies, white
Heart shapes from cardboard, 18 inches, 14 inches and 12 inches
White frosting
Roses, food quality

1. Order the cakes from the bakery frosted in white. Cut out an 18-inch heart from the fiber board. Cover the plastic cutting board with paper lace doilies. This will support the cake as it's delivered to the wedding site.
2. Place the full sheet cake on a flat steady surface. Put the 18 inch heart on the cake as close to the 18 inch edge as possible. Place the 12 inch cake on the cake as close to the other side of the cake as possible. Cut around the 18 inch heart shape with a sharp knife. You're going to ruin the icing but that's okay. Cut out the 12 inch heart from the other side. Slide the fiber board underneath the 18 inch heart and place it on the plastic cutting board on top of the lace doilies.
3. Place the 14 inch heart shape on the half sheet cake. Cut around it. Cut any remaining leftover cake in equal size serving squares. Frost those squares with white icing and store in the refrigerator in cake boxes.
4. Cut the wood dowels so they are the same height as the heart cake layers. Poke six dowels into the first cake layer so it supports the second 14 inch heart. Cut out a 14 inch heart from fiber board, slip the fiber board underneath the 14 inch heart cake.
5. Put the 14 inch cake layer on top of the 18 inch heart cake layer, centering it in the middle. If the fiber board shows through a bit that's okay. Poke 4 dowels into the second cake layer so it supports the 12 inch heart. Cut out a 12 inch heart from the fiber board.
6 .Place the 12 inch cake layer on the fiber board. Center it on the 14 inch heart cake layer. Frost all three layers with fresh frosting. Decorate the cake by placing roses around the bottom two layers and three roses in the center of the top heart.
7. Place the frosted leftover cake squares on tiered cake plates. Order additional frosted cupcakes for the remaining guests. The three heart shaped layers should serve about 100 people. Decorate every third or fourth cupcake or square with a rose.