Making a wedding fruit cake
Whatever your cake tin size we have the fruit cake recipe for you..
1 Grease and line the cake tin for the size of cake you wish to make, using a double thickness of greaseproof paper. Tie a double band of brown paper round the outside.
2 Prepare the ingredients for the appropriate size of cake. Wash and dry all the fruit, if necessary, chopping any over-large pieces, and mix well together in a large bowl. Add the flaked almonds. Sift flour and spices into another bowl with a pinch of salt.
3 Put the butter, sugar and lemon rind into a bowl and cream together until pale and fluffy. Add the beaten eggs gradually, beating well.
4 Gradually fold the flour lightly into the mixture with a metal spoon, then fold in the brandy. Finally fold in the fruit and nuts.
5 Turn the mixture into the prepare tin, spreading it evenly and making sure there are no air pockets. Make a hollow in the centre to ensure an even surface when cooked.
6 Stand the tin on newspaper or brown paper in the oven. Bake at 150ºC (130ºC fan) mark 2 for time in chart until a skewer inserted in the centre comes out clean. Cover with greaseproof paper after about 1½ hours
7 When cooked, leave the cake to cool in the tin before turning out on to a wire rack. Prick the top all over with a fine skewer and slowly pour 30-45ml (2-3 tbsp) brandy over it.
8 Wrap the cake in a double thickness of greaseproof paper and place in an airtight tin or wrap with foil and store in a cool place.
12cm (5in) SQUARE or 15cm (6in) ROUND
Time (approx): 2½-3hr
Weight when cooked: 1.1kg (2½lb)
Almond paste required: 350g (12oz)
Royal icing required: 450g (1lb)
225g (8oz) currants; 125g (4oz)each of sultanas and raisins; 50g (2oz) glace cherries; 25g (1oz)each of mixed peel and flaked almonds; a little lemon zest; 175g (6oz) plain flour; ¼ tsp each of mixed spice and cinnamon; 150g (5oz)each of softened butter and soft brown sugar; 2½ medium eggs, beaten; 1tbsp brandy
15cm (6in) SQUARE or 18cm (7in) ROUND
Time (approx): 3hr
Weight when cooked: 1.6kg (3¼lb)
Almond paste required: 450g (1lb)
Royal icing required: 550g (11/4lb)
350g (12oz) currants; 125g (4oz) each of sultanas and raisins; 75g (3oz) glace cherries; 50g (2oz) each of mixed peel and flaked almonds; a little lemon zest; 200g (7oz) plain flour; ½tsp each mixed spice and cinnamon; 175g (6oz) softened butter and soft brown sugar; 3 medium eggs, beaten; 1tbsp brandy
18cm (7in) SQUARE or 20cm (8in) ROUND
Time (approx): 3½ hr
Weight when cooked: 2.2kg (4¾lb)
Almond paste required: 550g (1¼lb)
Royal icing required: 700g (1½lb)
450g (1lb) currants; 200g (7oz) each of sultanas and raisins; 150g (5oz) glace cherries; 75g (3oz) each of mixed peel and flaked almonds; a little lemon zest; 350g (12oz) plain flour; ½tsp each of mixed spice and cinnamon; 275g (10oz) each of softened butter and soft brown sugar; 5 medium eggs, beaten; 1-2tbsp brandy
20cm (8in) SQUARE or 23cm (9in) ROUND
Time (approx): 4hr
Weight when cooked: 2.7kg (6lb)
Almond paste required: 800g (1¾lb)
Royal icing required: 900g (2lb)
625g (1lb 6oz) currants; 225g (8oz) each of sultanas and raisins; 175g (6oz) glace cherries; 125g (4oz) each of mixed peel and flaked almonds; zest ¼ lemon; 400g (14oz) plain flour; 1tsp each of mixed spice and cinnamon; 350g (12oz) softened butter and soft brown sugar; 6 medium eggs, beaten; 2tbsp brandy
23cm (9in) SQUARE or 25cm (10in) ROUND
Time (approx): 6hr
Weight when cooked: 4 kg (9lb)
Almond paste required: 900g (2lb)
Royal icing required: 1kg (2¼lb)
775g (1lb 12oz) currants; 375g (13oz) each of sultanas and raisins; 250g (9oz) glace cherries; 150g (5oz) each of mixed peel and flaked almonds; zest ¼ lemon; 600g (1lb 5oz) plain flour; 1tsp each of mixed spice and cinnamon; 500g (1lb 2oz) each of softened butter and soft brown sugar; 9 medium eggs, beaten; 2-3tbsp brandy
25cm (10in) SQUARE or 28cm (11in) ROUND
Time (approx): 7hr
Weight when cooked: 5.2kg (11½lb)
Almond paste required: 1kg (2¼lb)
Royal icing required: 1.1kg (2½lb)
1.1kg (2lb 8oz) currants; 400g (14oz) each of sultanas and raisins; 275g (10oz) glace cherries; 200g (7oz) each of mixed peel and flaked almonds; zest ½ lemon; 700g (1lb 8oz) plain flour; 2tsp each of mixed spice and cinnamon; 600g (1lb 5oz) each of softened butter and soft brown sugar; 11 medium eggs, beaten; 3tbsp brandy
28cm (11in) SQUARE or 30cm (12in) ROUND
Time (approx): 8hr
Weight when cooked: 6.7kg (14¾lb)
Almond paste required: 1.1kg (2½lb)
Royal icing required: 1.4kg (3lb)
1.5kg (3lb 2oz) currants; 525g (1lb 3oz) each of sultanas and raisins; 350g (12oz) glace cherries; 250g (9oz) each of mixed peel and flaked almonds; zest ½ lemon; 825g (1lb 13oz) plain flour; 2½tsp each of mixed spice and cinnamon; 800g (1lb 12oz) of softened butter and soft brown sugar; 14 medium eggs, beaten; 4tbsp brandy
0cm (12in) SQUARE or 33cm (13in) ROUND
Time (approx): 8½hr
Weight when cooked: 7.7 kg (17lb)
Almond paste required: 1.4kg (3lb)
Royal icing required: 1.6kg (3½lb)
1.7kg (3lb 12oz) currants; 625g (1lb 6oz) each of sultanas and raisins; 425g (15oz) glace cherries; 275g (10oz) each of mixed peel and flaked almonds; zest 1 lemon; 1kg (2lb 6oz) plain flour; 2½tsp each of mixed spice and cinnamon; 950g (2lb 2oz) each of softened butter and soft brown sugar; 17 medium eggs, beaten; 6tbsp brandy
Note: When baking large cakes, 25cm (10in) and upwards, it is advisable to reduce the oven heat to 130ºC (110ºC fan) mark 1 after two-thirds of the cooking time
The amounts of Almond Paste quoted in this chart will give a thin covering. The quantities of Royal Icing should be enough for two coats. If using ready-to-roll fondant icing, use the quantities suggested for Royal Icing as a rough guide.